» » D16 Group - Repeater 1.2.0 VST, VST3, AAX [En]


D16 Group - Repeater 1.2.0 VST, VST3, AAX [En]

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D16 Group - Repeater 1.2.0 VST, VST3, AAX [En]

D16 Group - Repeater 1.2.0 VST, VST3, AAX [En] Версия программы: 1.2.0
Официальный сайт: d16
Язык интерфейса: Английский

Дополнительная информация:
Cassette Tape - A model of an early 80's Japanese cassette tape deck.
Coopy Cube - An early 70's delay originally made from a garden hose.
Digital 42 - One of the most famous modern digital delays.
Digital 42 x 2 - The double option on the Digital 42, it halves the sample rate for the lo-fi tone.
Digital Delay - A clean, hi resolution digital delay (the default setting).
DM-2 - An early bucket brigade analog delay.
Mellow Delay - Subdued delay based on several vintage analog topologies.
Memory Guy - Analog delay with vintage tone.
Mirky Delay - Based on early bucket brigade analog delays.
New Radio - Delay tone with FM radio style.
Old Radio - Delay tone with AM radio style.
Pitchy Delays - (3 models) - Delays with slight pitch modulations for extreme spatial effects.
Plexy Echo - Based on an old 70s tape delay unit.
Space Delay - Based on the famous magnetic tape delay.
Tape Delay Ancient - An extremely old 1940's style tape delay tone.
Tape Delay Classic - Early 60's style tape delay.
Tape Delay Modern - Hi-fi tape delay.
Tape Delay Vintage - 70's style tape tone.
Telephone 1 - Lo-fi telephone tone.
Telephone 2 - Another lo-fi telephone tone with slightly different frequency and distortion tone.
TelRay - The analog delay classic made original from a tuna can.
[/spoiler][spoiler=Процедура лечения:]
1. Установить Repeater

2. Запустить D16_RSA_KeyGen.exe, выбрать продукт(d16 Group Repeater), нажать "Generate" и сохранить полученный файл

3. Запустить плагин и указать на сохранённый файл (Activate > Load File)
Все операции от имени администратора
Не использовать кириллицу

Автор лекарства: TEAM R2R [/spoiler][spoiler=Promo:]



Категория: Аудио

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