» » Rob Papen - Predator 3 1.0.0a VSTi, VSTi3, AAX (x64) [En]


Rob Papen - Predator 3 1.0.0a VSTi, VSTi3, AAX (x64) [En]

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Rob Papen - Predator 3 1.0.0a VSTi, VSTi3, AAX (x64) [En] Версия программы: 1.0.0a
Официальный сайт: Rob Papen
Язык интерфейса: Английский

Rob Papen - Predator 3 1.0.0a VSTi, VSTi3, AAX (x64) [En]
Дополнительные скриншоты: [/spoiler][spoiler=Promo]http://i.ytimg.com/vi/GDQB67qVvbs/default.jpg[/img] http://i.ytimg.com/vi/xB1SxbjxX6I/default.jpg[/img]
Video Tutorial [/spoiler][spoiler=Процедура лечения:]1. Установить Predator 3

2. Запустить R7PX_KeyGen.exe, запустить плагин, скопировать из окна активации плагина "Computer ID" в соответствующее поле кейгена, нажать "Generate" и вставить полученный ключ в плагин(XXXXX).
Все операции от имени администратора
Не использовать кириллицу

Автор лекарства: TEAM R2R [/spoiler][spoiler=Особенности:]Main features
Hybrid Synthesizer with Analog Style Sounds as well as Hybride Wavetable Sounds.
Over 6500 Presets in various music styles.
Bank Folders that start with 0 in their name are Predator-2, and Predator-3 Presets.
Bank Folders that start with 1 in their name are Predator-1 Presets.
GUI is available in 3 sizes being 100%, 133%, and 200%.
Animated dials available.

v3 Oscillators with Sub-Oscillators.
Subtractive analog-modeled waveforms.
Additive spectrum waveforms.
8 User spectrum waveforms are available in each Preset.
Different dynamic waveforms Morphing inside each Oscillator.
Spread feature, creating a 3 Oscillator detuning within each Oscillator.
Various audio modulation in Oscillators 2 and 3.
Diverse routing options into the Filters.

Two analog-modeled Filters with various routing options
38 Filter types
Pre-Filter distortion Filter-1
Filter Envelope with Attack, Decay, Sustain, Sustain-Fade, and Release.
Additional High Pass Filter with Resonance (Q)

Volume and Velocity control.
Pan control.
EQ mixing preset menu.
11 Distortion modes.

ARP A, B, C, and D with each having up to 16 steps.
Step features are Tie, Slide, Tune, Vel, Free, Lenght, Offset, Rachet.
Different play modes for combining the four ARPs.
Additional Arp modes like 'Chord Mode', Sequencer mode, and 'Modulating Mode.'
Different Ratcheting modes are available.
MIDI out available (available depending on the music host).

Recordable XY pad, included different tempo-sync options.
4 X movement destinations and 4 Y movement destinations.

Pitch LFO
Speed control and Tempo-Sync option.
Multiple waveforms included the user waves (Oscillator section).
Speed controls are Velocity, Keyboard, and Random.
Poly, Mono, and Free Modes.
Destination and Amount control feature.

Filter LFO
Speed control and Tempo-Sync option.
Multiple waveforms included the user waves (Oscillator section).
Poly, Mono, and Free Modes.
Amount Filter 1, Amount Filter 2, and Amount control feature.

LFO 1-4
Speed control and Tempo-Sync option.
Multiple waveforms included the user waves (Oscillator section)
Phase control.
Speed controls are Velocity, Keyboard, and Random..
Poly, Mono, and Free Modes.
Destination and Amount control feature.

ENV 1-4
Envelopes with Attack, Decay, Sustain, Sustain-Fade, and Release.
Tempo-Sync option.
Envelope Speed controls are Velocity, Keyboard, and Random.
Repeat option.
Destination and Amount control feature.

Multi-ENV 1-2
Up to 15 stages with curve control.
Envelope Speed controls are Velocity, Keyboard, and Random.
Loop feature with start and endpoint.
Destination and Amount control feature.

11 inputs available included the audio input (side chain)
Threshold, Boost, Smooth parameters for the input signal.
Envelope control are Attack, Hold, and Decay.
4 Destinations with amount, and amount control.

20 Slots with a bypass feature.
Advanced Mode with Offset, Lower Threshold, and Upper Threshold.

3 Bands with Frequency, Q, and 20dB Gain control.
12dB LowPass, and 12dB HighPass Filters.
Preset menu (see also AMP section).

Intelligent Preset Variation Generator.
Preset Morph feature, to Morph two Presets into one new Preset.

Play Mode
Poly, Mono, Legato, Arp, and Poly MPE Play modes.
Pitch Bend range control per Presets with range -48 Semi up to +48 semi
Chord Memory control per Preset with up to 8 notes, included their panning, and velocity adjustment.
Advance settings for the Envelopes Attack Shape, Decay/Release Shape, and Analog Drift amount.

3 FX in serial mode.
34 Top-Notch FX types.
FX can be Modulated.

Bank Manager
Preset section with Bank selector section.
Order by Date Preset listing option.
Find option.
Search Category option.

Back Panel
Various Global settings, also appearing the main GUI Control Menu
Global tuning option
Tuning Scale options
[/spoiler][spoiler=Дополнительная информация:]
Пользовательский интерфейс был переработан, поэтому все основные элементы управления отображаются на экране, что делает его интерактивным и невероятно простым в использовании.

В Predator-3 мы интегрировали много новых функций в арпеджиатор, добавили Multi Envelopes, добавили «Audio Follower input» для управления боковой цепью, и, наконец, что не менее важно, он также получил звуковой код аналоговой модели от B.I.T. что обеспечивает бескомпромиссное качество звука для аналоговых типов звука или гибридных звуков с волновыми таблицами!

Поставляемый с большой коллекцией вдохновляющих пресетов, Predator-3 - это уникальная концепция синтезатора, сочетающая в себе удобство и глубокий звуковой дизайн в одном удивительном продукте.


Категория: Аудио

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